The largest gathering of Blockchain enthusiasts in the world gathered in Dubai’s World Trade Centre on May 2
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rd and Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson was invited to attend, receiving a V.I.P. pass from the event’s marketing team. The event was organized on the back of Sheikh Hamdanbin Mohammed Al Maktoum’s announcement in 2016 mandating that Dubai is to be the world’s first Blockchain powered city by 2021 and Lord Gibson, being intrigued by the event, could not turn down the invitation. It was for this precise reason that he made the move from the U.S.A. to Dubai. The vision of the Dubai’s leaders marries perfectly with that of Gibson, and he is keenly invested in exploring new opportunities and diversifying his business portfolio. A gathering on this scale showcasing the potential, indeed probable, future of technology indicates that exciting times are afoot in the technology world and Dubai is positioning itself in the middle of this technological revolution, once again proving the decision made by Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson to move his business operations to the Middle East to be an astute one. On the day Lord Gibson had the opportunity to attend a talk given by a representative of the government of Georgia, who have recently become the first country to convert its land register entirely to Blockchain. This was an extremely interesting talk and of particular interest to Gibson given his worldwide property portfolio. Lord Gibson also took the opportunity to hear talks given by
leading IT security experts as they gave their first glimpse into the next generation of cyber security technologies. It is a startling fact that 56% of companies in the Middle East have suffered losses greater than $500,000 due to cyber-attacks in the last 12 months. As a result of this, the Middle East cyber security market is projected to grow to $9.56 billion in 2019. Lord Gibson fully intends to be ahead of the curve when it comes to such matters. The Future Blockchain Summit proved to be an eye opener for Lord Gibson and he is enthused by what lies ahead.