Mar. 28, 2014 -BELMOPAN CITY, Belize -- Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson discusses interests in Belize, Ralph Huang and ongoing relationships. With the election of Ralph Huang to the position of Standard Bearer to Cayo South, the internet and Belizean news outlets have exploded with theories regarding his relationship to Las Vegas-based businessman Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson, who vocally endorsed Huang through internet postings on both his own websites, YouTube channels and in several online spaces related to Belizean issues. The endorsements were public and transparent, making no allegations of expectations on Huang’s part or inferences of any kind as to relationships extending beyond friendship and business dealings. Gibson transparently provided support for Huang’s campaign through online media endorsement as well as financial contribution. Huang also reiterated the relationship with Gibson as friendly and a long-time business relationship.
Huang’s election although he was a relative unknown and newcomer to Belizean politics came as a surprise to many, and erupted in a media blitz calling into question his relationship with his campaign contributors and political backers. The relationship with Gibson was immediately put squarely on the forefront of discussion. Several news outlets immediately spun this information negatively, claiming that there was reason for concern as to the nature of the relationship, as Gibson has been vocal on websites and in news areas regarding his ongoing business interests in Belize, and the status of projects that he has undertaken. The single source of the speculation was a posting on the Channel5 Belize website some time ago, where an anonymous author claims Gibson to be “a fraud,” yet provides no actual evidence of fraudulent dealings. The questionable posting can be viewed here:
http://edition.channel5belize.com/archives/88561 Since the election, several news sources including Channel 5 have run multiple stories calling the relationship between Huang and Gibson into question, reaching as far as to question Prime Minister Dean Barrow in a recent interview as to his knowledge of any relationship, campaign contributions or Gibson himself. Barrow went on to elaborate about Gibson being potentially blocked as far as a business dealing in the past due to an investigation of Handel’s Bank and Trust Co., which created issues for Gibson’s company Handel’s Securities Ltd. due to the mistaken identity issue and belief that Handel’s Securities was the company under investigation. In reality, Handel’s Securities was in no way involved in the investigation, a fact that was cleared by the Ministry of Trade, Investment Promotion, Private Sector Development and Consumer Protection Agency of Belize, the documentation of which can be viewed on several websites including those owned by Gibson. Gibson himself has not been interviewed or questioned by the named news sources, and has not been provided with a platform to discuss the relationship between himself and Huang, or his interests in Belize. Multiple attempts to reach out to these news outlets in order to provide accurate information has been met with no response. Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson offers direct communication to himself and his organizations through the media contact listed below, and can offer answers to any questions. Contact
Ray Santopietro